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Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities


3520 W. OxfordDenver, CO 80236 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission: To support individuals experiencing serious mental health challenges in achieving their recovery goals and reaching their full potential. Vision: To be Colorado's premier treatment center for individuals with serious mental illness. Values: Individual dignity and respect Person-centered, evidence-based care Trauma-informed recovery Multidisciplinary collaboration Diversity and inclusion Strong family and community partnerships


The Volunteer Auxiliary at CMHI-Ft. Logan began in 1962 and was designed to assist Ft. Logan in its threefold purpose of:

  • patient care
  • education
  • decreasing the stigma of mental illness

That remains the focus of the program today. The role of the volunteer is not to replace, but to supplement the regular professional staff, freeing them to provide the best care and support services to patients. Our volunteers are very special people who choose to share their time and talents helping others. Each, in his or her own way, helps enhance the quality of patient care, at CMHI-Ft. Logan. Volunteers include retired people, adults and college students.


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