Would you recommend Kids 'n Kinship?
I've been a mentor with Kids 'n Kinship for about a year. The organization is amazingly effective on the small budget they have. Even better, Kids 'n Kinship is run by a group of passionate individuals. I highly recommend everyone in supporting them by volunteering and/or donating.
Having worked with Kids 'n Kinship for several years as a mentor, I cannot recommend this organization strongly enough. From day one, the team that screens mentors, matches mentor/mentees, and stays in touch to monitor the relationship is energetic, knowledgeable and (above all) caring. This organization offers structured activities for mentor/mentee pairs such as scrapbooking and rollerskating events, makes amazing resources available to both sides of the mentoring relationship, and unobtrusively checks in to ensure the match is working several times a year. My mentee and I have been matched for 3.5 years and time spent with her is fabulous, whether we're baking cookies or checking out something entirely new to both of us.
Mentoring is the most fulfilling volunteer work I've ever done, and would strongly recommend it. The best part about Kids 'n Kinship is they facilitate mentoring by individuals, couples, or families, which makes them unique. Give them a call!
I have been so impressed with the caring staff and the support they give their volunteers. I do feel mentoring is a way you can make a big difference in a child's life. I continue to learn a lot from the child I mentor as well. We are both better people as a result of our time together.
Kids 'n Kinship is a well-established, well-run organization. They have been in Dakota County for 37 years, matching children ages 5-16 with caring adults and families as mentors. They have an extensive process to make the best match possible for everyone based on common interests, personality traits, and home location. As both a volunteer mentor and a coordinator for the program, I've seen how it works inside and out and I highly recommend mentoring through Kids 'n Kinship! Mentoring is a wonderful way to give back in a personal way - and to reconnect with your inner child! It's such a joy to see the face of the child you mentor light up with happiness when she sees you or when he gets to do something he's never done before! Mentors say they start mentoring for what they can give but they keep at it for what they receive. Check out Kids 'n Kinship's website for information on how to get started: or call 952-892-6368