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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Environment
  • Hunger
  • Seniors


24 CLOVER RDNEWFOUNDLAND, NJ 07435 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

AmpleHarvest.org diminishes the waste of food and therefore hunger in America by educating, encouraging and enabling gardeners to donate their excess harvest to the needy in their community instead of allowing it to rot in the garden.


AmpleHarvest.org, founded by CNN Hero Gary Oppenheimer, is a nationwide non-profit that uses the Internet to diminish wasted food and hunger, improve nutrition and help the environment in America by educating, encouraging and empowering millions of backyard gardeners to easily find a local food pantry eager for their excess garden bounty.

Currently there are nearly 8,000 food pantries across all 50 states registered on AmpleHarvest.org, and more are joining every day.

AmpleHarvest.org has received support and backing from Google Inc., the White House and the USDA, the National Council of Churches, the National Gardening Association, Feeding America and its member food banks, Garden Writers of America as well as numerous faith organizations. It is available to food pantries (and similar feeding programs) and gardeners at no charge.


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