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Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


100 W 2ND STBOSTON, MA 02127 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Artists For Humanity’s (AFH) mission is to provide underserved urban youth with the keys to self-sufficiency through paid employment in art and design. To realize their mission, AFH offers youth: (1) the respect and responsibility of paid employment that promotes self-esteem and workforce readiness; (2) a safe, meaningful place where teens develop important mentoring relationships; (3) an opportunity to be part of a creative community; and (4) educational enrichment that supports and encourages high school graduation and post-secondary education.


AFH tackles the myriad of problems youth face today with tremendous impact. We celebrate the talents and wonderful energy of young people by giving them hands-on experiences in creativity, business, teamwork, and self-governance. Participants learn the techniques and tools of professional artists and the business world while engaging in education, employment, artistic exploration, and entrepreneurial experience. This produces life-transforming change for youth and for their communities. With your support, we can grow even stronger in meeting the needs of these talented and hard working young people from Boston's urban neighborhoods.


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