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Friends of Boston's Homeless

Cause Area

  • Education & Literacy
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


12 Wise StreetBoston, MA 02130 United States



Organization Information

Mission Statement

Founded in 1987, Friends of Boston’s Homeless supports innovative, solutions-oriented programs with proven track records that help people move from the streets and shelters into safe, dignified housing and live peaceful, hopeful, fulfilling lives in our community. We focus on removing the final barriers of transition that often city and state programs, and the people they help, don’t have the means to cover. The final transition steps out of homelessness are often the most crucial, and we make them happen.


Like a Parent/Teachers Organization or a "Friends of the Public Library" group, Friends bridges the gap between public sector funding and the current needs of the homeless by providing a vehicle for individuals, businesses, foundations and charitable organizations to be a part of the solution to homelessness.

Please join us in our mission! Friends of Boston’s Homeless provides direct and impactful ways individuals, corporations, foundations, groups, and charitable organizations can be an important part of ending homelessness in Boston.


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