Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- International
1508 Clairmont PlaceNashville, TN 37215 United StatesWebsite:

Organization Information
Mission Statement
Nurturings mission is to educate and support all parents in raising secure, joyful and empathic children in order to strengthen families and create a more compassionate world.
Nurturings is a non-profit that helps parents, children and families flourish. Our research-based parenting resources are low-fee or free and can be found online, in community-based parent groups or in parenting classes. We also offer a collaborative network, resources and training for group leaders and professionals who work with parents and caregivers.
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Aligns with all my values instantly!

I'm so pleased to be involved with API and witness the variety of ways parents care for their children, making responding with sensitivity a priority, modeling compassion at the core of relationship, and finding how API's Principles of Parenting work in their own family. A bonus is working and volunteering alongside so many of these parents who are dedicated to providing parenting education and support in their communities.

Attachment between parents and kids is so important. My husband and I have really created a close bond with our little girl. And is now doing the same with our little boy, born on Christmas Day 2013. Through co-sleeping & breast feeding and keeping our kids close & I am a SAHM, Quitting my job after 11 years so that my kids can always be with me and never have a babysitter. I also plan to home school.