Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
2893 SEARIDGE STMALIBU, CA 90265 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To provide tutoring and mentors to at-risk middle school students in the greater Los Angeles area.
Founded by her family following her tragic murder at the age of 13 on April 3, 2010, the nonprofit charity Emily Shane Foundation's SEA (Successful Educational Achievement) Program provides mentor/tutors to at-risk youth at various sites across Los Angeles and Ventura counties as an after school Program. In 2016, the SEA Program supported over 90 students with one-on-one support. Our goal is to serve those middle school students who risk failure and could not otherwise afford this type the intensive and individual academic support we provide. Our mentors help thier students to acquire the tools and skills needed to perform to their best academic potential. SEA studens are those who are "falling through the cracks". We aim to direct them away from the negative repercussions that often result from poor academic performance, such as gang affiliation, drug use, low self esteem, acting out, bullying or being bullied, etc.