Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Health & Medicine
- People with Disabilities
- Seniors
- Sports & Recreation
220 East 42nd StreetNew York, NY 10017 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
YAI is a network of agencies offering children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities a comprehensive range of services. YAI is committed to seeing beyond disability, providing opportunities for people to live, love, work, and learn in their communities.
Founded in 1957, YAI remains at the forefront of an extraordinary movement aimed at empowering the people we support and their families. YAI’s workforce of more than 4,000 employees provides a comprehensive range of services and supports, including supportive housing, education, medical, dental, and mental health care, job training, community integration, and social enrichment for more than 20,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout New York, New Jersey, and California.