Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco
Cause Area
- Education & Literacy
- Employment
- Homeless & Housing
- Hunger
- Seniors
165 Eighth StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help homeless and very low-income people every day and night obtain the housing, jobs, shelter and essential services each person needs to prevent and end homelessness.
Episcopal Community Services (ECS) has provided essential services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in San Francisco since 1983, utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the multiple causes leading to homelessness. This past year, we served more than 13,000 people, guided by our mission to help homeless and very low-income people every day and every night obtain the housing, jobs, shelter, and essential services each person needs to prevent and end homelessness.
The complex nature of homelessness calls for a multi-faceted solution. ECS serves adults and children through a range of services, including the City’s Adult Coordinated Entry (ACE), supportive housing, employment and education programs, healthy aging, information and referral resources, reentry housing and support services, interim housing, and behavioral health services.