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Senior Computer School

Cause Area

  • Computers & Technology
  • Seniors


4540 American River DriveSacramento, CA 95864 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Provide computer training for Senior Citizens (55+)


The Senior Computer School provides hands-on instruction in a 16 station computer lab. The instructor lectures and displays step-by-step instructions while displaying relevant computer screens on a projector screen. Students follow these instructions using their computer stations. Students are provided with lesson plans and CDs with lesson files, which they can take home and practice on their own. Typical courses are six 2 1/2 hour sessions in computer fundamentals, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Excel. In addition one or two 2 1/2 hour sessions are provided on Digital Cameras, Organizing and Editing digital photographs, Downloading from the INTERNET, Basic Computer Maintenance , creating Greeting Cards, and using I pads.


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