Garces Foundation
Cause Area
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- Immigrants & Refugees
1901 South 9th St. #205Philadelphia, PA 19148 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The Garces Foundation is a community-based, non-profit organization committed to providing Philadelphia’s immigrant population the healthcare, education, and support to empower them to fulfill their potential as citizens and enjoy the highest possible quality of life.
The Garces Foundation is committed to helping South Philadelphia’s underserved immigrant community get access to healthcare and educational services. Considerable health disparities between White populations and Latino immigrants persist, especially those with limited English proficiency. Philadelphia’s Spanish-speaking immigrants face significant linguistic and cultural barriers to obtaining health insurance and accessing healthcare. Prophylactic dental care is a particular problem, one whose solution has important medical upsides because easily treatable minor conditions can, left untreated, lead to serious health problems including heart disease and stroke. By building programs that deliver health, dental, and educational services to this vulnerable population, the Foundation works to improve these lives and empower them to reach their potential.