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Path with Art

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing


200 Mercer StSEATTLE, WA 98109 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Path with Art fosters the restoration of individuals, groups and society from the effects of trauma through arts engagement and community building.


Since 2008, Path with Art has been at the forefront of a growing international movement that utilizes the power of art as a means to bring dignity, awareness, and healing to the complexities of the issues surrounding homelessness, and recovery from trauma.

As a long-time leader in this field, the Path with Art model is currently being sought out and recognized by communities both nationally and internationally.

Path with Art unites creative engagement with community connection to support people navigating trauma in re-imagining stronger, healthier, and purpose-driven lives and communities. We know the power of this work after 14 years of witnessing the impact on our participants and the community members that are touched by it.

We believe that creative engagement is a fundamental need of the human spirit, not a luxury, which is why we provide access to creative engagement opportunities to those who have the least access and are the most vulnerable amongst us. All year round, we offer individual-based programming and community-engaged programming, utilizing the arts as a tool through which participants develop renewed confidence and stability, actively problem solve, redefine their own narratives, and meaningfully engage in greater community.


Would you recommend Path with Art?
1 review Write a review
by Steve S. from Killeen, TX (2020-06-11 14:21:51.0)
Great organization. Very helpful and caring staff. They did a great job adapting to the pandemic by virtualizing their classes. This presented some challenges but we got through those issues with great support from everyone involved!

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