The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Cause Area
- Animals
- Community
- Environment
3S580 Naperville RoadSouth of Butterfield Rd, North of Warrenville RdWheaton, IL 60189 United StatesWebsite:
http://dupageforest.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The mission of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is to acquire and hold lands containing forests, prairies, wetlands, and associated plant communities on lands capable of being restored to such natural conditions for the purpose of protecting and preserving the flora, fauna, and scenic beauty for the education, pleasure, and recreation of it citizens. The purpose of the Volunteer Services Program is to engage volunteers who are willing to donate their time, talents, and resources to support the programs and staff in carrying out the mission, purpose, and guiding principles of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and the volunteer programs.
We offer 11 unique Volunteer Programs.
- Danada Equestrian Center-Wheaton, assist staff with daily horse care
- Fullersburg Woods-Oak Brook, help children & visitors discover nature
- Kline Creek Farm-West Chicago, assist in running an 1890's farm & introducing visitors to this era
- Mayslake-Oak Brook-assist in gardening, tours, office & special events
- Natural Resources-Countywide, assist at workdays w/ seed collection, brush cutting, planting. Be a Monitor for populations.
- Special Services-Countywide, assist with office projects & Special events, pick up trash as part of the Clean-up Crew
- St James Farm -Warrenville, assist in the garden, as tour guides & special events
- Trail Watch- Countywide,patrol trails on foot & bicycle, submit reports on trail issues & visitor assistance
- Visitor Engagement-Countywide,assist the staff with educational programs in schools, programs & events
- Volunteer Ranger-Countywide,assist with fishing, archery, kayaking, trail trimming, cleanup & special events
- Willowbrook-Glen Ellyn, assist in care & rehabilitation of native injured & orphaned animals, 630-933-7233,