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Stable Influence Charity Programs

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


P.O. Box 54006Phoenix, AZ 85078 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Stable Influence Charity Programs offers youth and adults with physical, mental, and/or emotional challenges the opportunity to explore new horizions and focus on new goals unhampered by their limitations. Horseback riding allows riders to focus on abilities -- and the sky's the limit as they gain strength, coordination, and self-confidence.


Stable Influence offers therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with physical, mental, and/or emotional disabilities. Theraputic riding is helpful in developing balance, coordination, and strength in riders with disabilities. In addition, riding promotes independence and self-confidence as riders learn to ride and care for their horses in a friendly and supportive environment. Finally, therapeutic riding provides recreational opportunities to many individuals for whom such opportunities are severely limited. Stable Influence Charity Programs offers benefits to the community as it is a labor intensive sports therapy program requiring up to four volunteers for each rider. We offer classes in four locations, five days a week. See Pictures of our 2nd Annual Horse Show at: http://www.public.asu.edu/~aujlg/


Would you recommend Stable Influence Charity Programs?
3 reviews Write a review
by Sarah T. from Tempe, AZ (2012-11-30 21:30:58.0)
In the short time I've been volunteering, I've seen this program help numerous clients: clients with ambulatory issues gain better balance from riding; clients with speech impediments talk more by practicing commands. This program also helps volunteers gain confidence and practical horse-knowledge. I highly recommend it for clients and volunteers alike!
by Chloe H. (2010-02-08 19:43:08.0)
This organization is absolutely amazing. I cant even come up with words to capture it. The envoirnment, the people, the animals...all just indescribable. Absolutly the highlight of my weeks. If you have the time to volunteer anywhere, this is the place to go.
by Katie N. from Chandler, AZ (2008-12-08 13:38:48.0)
Wonderful organization. Very rewarding place to volunteer.

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