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Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc

Cause Area

  • Disaster Relief
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine


1564 Bath AvenueStorefrontBrooklyn, NY 11228 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance Service, Inc.(BVAS) , is a Not-for-Profit volunteer organization staffed soley of volunteers Thirty years ago emergency ambulance response time was too long and the Community of Bensonhurst sent out a plea for help. Community people heard the cry and worked hard to establish a community based ambulance service. Through the dedication and unselfish actions of the people in the Community the Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance Service was founded. BVAS has been rendering emergency pre-hospital care to the sick and injured of the Bensonhurst Community since it opened its doors in 1976 and operates on donations, third party billing and the efforts of its volunteers


We render emergency pre-hospital care to the sick and injured of the Bensonhurst Community


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1 review Write a review
by bernard s. from brooklyn, NY (2020-07-20 13:29:04.0)

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