Flexible Schedule
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Comprehensive Hospice and Palliative Care is looking for volunteers in the West Valley to be with our patients who have a life-limiting illness. Volunteers provide companionship by doing life review and reminiscing, reading, playing games and sometimes, just hanging out. Volunteers can provide respite for caregivers, times when someone is needed to sit with the patient while the caregiver leaves for short periods in a mini-getaway to refresh their spirit. Volunteers bring a special type of comfort to these folks, a focused and healing presence by coming in without an agenda, other than being there for the patient. Volunteers do not lift, drive or medicate. They comfort, love and encourage. We will provide the thorough training, you will provide the compassion and heart. Thank you for your willingness to do this very special work! Check out our website for more information: www.chpchospice.com
Date Posted: 2024-12-16
Flexible Schedule
Phoenix, AZ 85016
"No one visits anymore" was what the mom of a chaplain said to him one day. She was in hospice, had a life-limiting illness and could have used a caring person to come and spend time with her, talking about her life and sharing similar stories. Someone to watch a movie with on T.V., someone to read to her or write a letter or two to family members. Someone to play Scrabble or Yahtzee or cards with. That's what hospice volunteers do. They are a friendly, caring person who gives of their time and selves in selfless service to others. The times to visit are flexible and are appreciated for what you can do, if it's a couple hours a couple of times per month or more, that time is appreciated more than you will know. We provide the training and on-going supervision support, you provide yourself and your care. Most of our folks are in their own homes, sometimes a group home or facility. Volunteers do so much for not only the patients but the families as well by being available to talk, visit and give time for the caregivers to have a break. Volunteers provide the kind of support that is special and unique, being the "no agenda" person in the patient's life. If you have this kind of heart, please contact us and we'll make sure you are trained and ready to do this special work. NEW Chaps ruling is ALL volunteers need to be Vaccinated for COVID -19 to be considered.
Date Posted: 2024-12-16
Flexible Schedule
Phoenix, AZ 85016
About 1800 veterans die each day in our country. We are quickly losing our WWII vets, many of whom are in hospice care in our communities. Veterans have a special and unique connection with other veterans that is especially needed by hospice patients. If you are a veteran and want to help others, become a Comprehensive Hospice and Palliative Care volunteer. You will receive training on how to provide companionship, do life review and support your fellow veterans who are experiencing a life limiting illness. Help us honor our heros by dong this important work. We have opportunities valley-wide. To talk with our Volunteer Coordinator, Barbara Hopkins, call 602-795-9705 and to see who we are, visit our website at chpchospice.com And thank you for the sacrifice you made in service to our country!
Date Posted: 2024-12-16
Flexible Schedule
Phoenix, AZ 85016
CHOICE Hospice and Palliative Care is seeking volunteers to be companions with our patients as they near the end of their life. Volunteers help patients in a variety of ways that can include life review, provide a break for caregivers, office support and bereavement. Volunteers provide the unconditional support that our patients and their families need at this time. If you have the heart of a hospice volunteer, please contact us and we'll begin the process to get you trained and connected with someone who needs your special kind of help. We have opportunities valley-wide. To talk with our Volunteer Coordinator, Barbara Hopkins, call 602-795-9705 and to see who we are, visit our website at chpchospice.com Thank you!
Date Posted: 2024-12-16
Flexible Schedule
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Do you have the caring heart of a hospice volunteer? Have you wanted to know more about this work? Are you wondering if it's something you could do or are you already at the place of wanting to help those with a life-limiting illness? Comprehensive Hospice and Palliative Care is looking for volunteers who can spend time with our patients. Volunteers are appreciated for visiting, listening, reading--being present with the person. Volunteers can provide a much needed break for caregivers by giving them a short break. You will receive a thorough training to fully prepare you to do this outstanding work. Visit our website at chpchospice.com to learn more about our company. Thank you for your willingness to help out this wonderful group of people.
Date Posted: 2024-12-16