Self Injury Awareness Network, INc.
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Crisis Support
- Health & Medicine
- Women
c/o CT APAAC18-20 Trinity StreetHartford, CT 06106 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Who We Are
Self Injury Awareness Network, Inc. (SIAN/CT), is a survivor-lead/consumer-operated, nonpartisan 501 (c) 3-seeking, community support coalition dedicated to educating and advocating on behalf of self-injury survivors of all ages and walks of life. We are currently based in the great State of Connecticut.
As an organization of peers, SIAN/CT are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients. SIAN/CT does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, spiritual beliefs, gender, gender expression, age, national origin or ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, adjudication status or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
What We Believe
We understand that self-injuring behavior is a deliberate attempt to alter one’s mood through inflicting physical harm to one’s body significant enough to cause semi-permanent to permanent tissue damage (both visible and non-visible).
We believe that acts of self harm are maladaptive coping strategies that can be unlearned.
We refer to persons who have a history of self-harming behavior as "Survivors" versus victims.
We consciously avoid identifying self-harming behavior with the person (such as referring to a person who self-injures as "cutters").
We support outcome-oriented, trauma-informed and body-centered methods that assist Survivors in reducing self-injuring behavior, with the hope that such behaviors would no longer retain their usefulness over time.
Where We Stand
We, as members of SIAN/CT, are a body of equals and treat each other as such.
All our voices are worthy to be heard and necessary to the long-term success of SIAN/CT as an organization.
All of our past and/or present experiences with self-injuring behavior -- whether as a NSSI survivor, a professional caregiver, a loved one of someone who is a survivor or even as a concerned party -are valid and welcomed at our table.
All of our efforts going forward should be grounded in the needs of the present and focused on qualified future outcomes that we decide upon together.
Every member, so long as she or he is a member, is the public face of the organization, and should comport themselves in a professional manner.
Our egos are checked at the door to every meeting, public presentation etc. -- we are here to serve our greater community through our identified mission and vision for this organization.