North Brooklyn Health Network-Woodhull Medical & Mental Health Center
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
760 Broadway Room 10AB239Brooklyn, NY 11206 United States

Organization Information
Mission Statement
To provide the highest quality of health care to every patient with dignity, cultural sensitivity, and compassion, regardless of ability to pay.
The North Brooklyn Health Network is comprised of Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center, Cumberland Diagnostic Center as well as several offsite clinics. We provide acute and outpatient medical services to pediatric and adult patients as well as Mental Health Services.
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a few months ago my husband was ill ,his stomuck was pain very much. So we rush to hospitla , the doctor said he needed to have kidney stones removed.My husband's English is not good ,it's very hard for him to commumicate with the doctor.
And he is luck that he got a lot asistance by colunterr.
My husband and I , both apprecitaed it. From that then I think I can help other person who need help at the hospital.