Alameda County Medical Center
Cause Area
- Community
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
1411 East 31st. St.Oakland, CA 94602 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Alameda County Medical Center is committed to maintaining and improving the health of all County residents, regardless of ability to pay. The Medical Center will provide comprehensive, high quality medical treatment, health promotion, and health maintenance through an integrated system of hospitals, clinics, and health services staffed by individuals who are responsive to the diverse cultural needs of our community. The Medical Center, as a training institution, is committed to maintaining an environment that is supportive of a wide range of educational programs and activities. Education of medical students, interns, residents, continuing education for medical nursing, and other staff, along with medical research, are all essential components of our environments.
An overview of Alameda County Medical Center (ACMC) begins with our mission - we are and have always been here to deliver the highest quality, compassionate care to all county residents, regardless of their ability to pay. No other health system within our County shares this mission and it is one we perform uniquely well. We are one of the major hospital systems in the Bay Area, with 475 licensed beds on three campuses: 236 at Highland Hospital, 159 at Fairmont Hospital and 80 at John George Psychiatric Pavilion. Our system serves Alameda County with three freestanding ambulatory care centers in addition to outpatient clinics at Highland Hospital.