REACH Therapeutic Riding Center
Cause Area
- Animals
- Health & Medicine
- People with Disabilities
- Veterans & Military Families
PO Box 21535Waco, TX 76657 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.reachtrc.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the health, increase the confidence, and promote the independence of persons with special needs through the use of horses.
At REACH Therapeutic Riding Center we offer three programs using equine assisted therapeutic horseback riding to help those with physical, mental or emotional challenges:
- Therapeutic Riding
Therapeutic Riding is geared to meet specific riding and/or social objectives. The primary focus of therapeutic riding is to teach riding skills that build toward independent riding.
- Hippotherapy
Hippotherapy, performed by licensed therapists, employs the movement of the horse as a tool to improve posture, balance, and movement, as well as fine and gross motor responses.
- Horses for Heroes
Horses for Heroes is a program for US military veterans who have endured injuries in the line of duty. It is geared to improve the mind, body, and spirit of disabled vets through the uses of horses and the opportunity to socialize with fellow veterans. This program is all about brothers helping brothers.
At REACH Therapeutic Riding Center we have combined a dynamic core of equine professionals, volunteers and horses to provide unique opportunities. Some disabilities which may benefit from therapeutic riding or hippotherapy include:
Autism * Muscular dystrophy * Down syndrome
Multiple sclerosis * Cerebral palsy * Fragile X syndrome
Visual and hearing impairment * Learning and emotional disabilities