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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Immigrants & Refugees


309 Cumberland Ave.Portland, ME 04101 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

ProsperityME empowers, through education and counseling, members of refugee and immigrant communities to invest in themselves to build financial stability, careers, businesses and wealth.


ProsperityME’s services include financial literacy courses and one-on-one financial counseling to individuals and/or families, as well as college access counseling services. We serve men and women of all ages from the following communities: Congolese, Burundian, Somali, Sudanese, Iraqi, and Russian, Latino communities, as well as low-income individuals and families from Portland and Lewiston, Maine. The financial counseling is designed to help individuals and families make sound financial decisions with personal finance. The financial literacy courses are composed of five classes. ProsperityME offers three main courses: Basic Money Management in America, Savings to Build Wealth, and Microfinance. The materials covered in these courses help develop participants’ financial skills to gain experience in:

Basic banking and savings
Budgeting techniques
Awareness of financial fraud and scams
Setting and meeting short and long-term financial goals
Using credit wisely
Building, maintaining, and repairing credit
Savings for college, retirement, buying a home or car
Steps to open and manage a business

*ProsperityME provides these classes at no cost to participants

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