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GA Dept of Juvenile Justice ( Martha K. Glaze Regional Youth Detention Center)

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Faith-Based
  • Sports & Recreation


11850 Hasting Bridge RdHampton, GA 30228 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to protect and serve the citizens of Georgia by holding young offenders accountable for their actions through the delivery of services and sanctions in appropriate settings and by supporting youth in their communities to become productive and law-abiding citizens.


The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice is a multi-faceted agency that serves the state`s youthful offenders up to the age of 21. Each day, at 26 facilities and 92 court services offices through out the state, more than 4,000 DJJ employees work diligently to effect justice as well redirect and shape the young lives in the agency`s care so they can take responsibility for their delinquent conduct as well as become contributing members of society. At the same time, DJJ seeks to protect the victims of crimes so that they can rebuild their lives.


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