Hands On Charlotte
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Environment
- People with Disabilities
- Seniors
301 S. Brevard StreetCharlotte, NC 28202 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Hands On Charlotte inspires, equips and mobilizes a diverse corps of volunteers to strengthen our community.
Throughout the year, Hands On Charlotte (a program of United Way of Central Carolinas) provides direct volunteer service to the community. We help homeless families, guide at-risk youth, tutor disadvantaged children, feed the hungry, care for our environment and so much more. Our volunteers address our community's needs through direct service. Hands On Charlotte offers a variety of meaningful volunteer projects that benefits the citizens of Charlotte. We provide volunteers with flexible volunteer opportunities to create positive change. We simplify the process by organizing and promoting dozens of opportunities each month.
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8 reviews
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Well-organized and hearty orientation/group! Went on helping on people who are working on elevating their knowledge/thinking skills.

Hands on Charlotte offers people the opportunity to volunteer around busy schedules. They connect volunteers with a wide range of opportunities that make it easy for anyone to find projects that fit their schedule. It is easy to search for type of project, day, time, and skills needed so you are sure to find something that interests you on the calendar. The website makes it easy to search and sign up for projects. The projects are well organized, the project leaders are helpful, and the other volunteers are always so welcoming. I encourage anyone who is it interested in volunteering to visit the website and look at the wide range of opportunities that are listed.

A year ago, I was searching for a volunteer organization where I could jump in and get involved, even with my busy work schedule. Hands on Charlotte's variety of projects gave me the opportunity to try a bit of everything, before I chose to focus on working with seniors and tutoring adults. I've met so many great people and truly enjoy my time volunteering!

Having recently moved to Charlotte, volunteering with HOC gives me the opportunity to meet new people and learn the city better by traveling to the different volunteer sites. I appreciate that there are a wide variety of projects to choose from and that I can volunteer as many times a week or month as fits my schedule. It is easy to get started, and the online calendar makes it simple to find new volunteer project opportunities. HOC is a great organization that allows me to make an immediate impact in my new community every time that I volunteer at a project.

I think Hands on Charlotte is great because there are so many different types of projects to choose from. You can, for example, hang out with at-risk teens one week, the next week you can play bingo with seniors and the next week you can take care of animals at a therapy farm. There is really something for everyone. There are also lots of opportunities to lead projects and opportunities to propose new projects. The website makes it easy to sign up.

Hands on Charlotte has the best volunteer opportunities. Especially for someone like me that has limited volunteer time and a multitude of interests, there is always an opportunity available that I'm interested in. The projects allow the volunteer to have a direct impact on the community and that's really what it's all about.

Service projects at Hands On Charlotte are organized, efficient and a lot of fun. The volunteers I worked with were all intelligent, fun-loving people. It was a great experience!