Tampa Gallery of Photographic Arts
Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
1628 West Snow CircleTampa, FL 33606 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The mission of the museum is to mount exhibitions that present the photographer's vision as vital and central to life and culture. The museum's objective is to present shows of works by photographers that have attained international, national and regional recognition and acclaim. The museum will also promote community educational programs such as lectures on the historical importance of photography as it relates to everyday life. Other programs will incorporate a hands-on approach using both traditional and digital image making techniques. These will be offered to children and adults. The museum's goal is to enhance the understanding of the art of photography.
In the spring of 2001, a group of local Tampa citizens established the Tampa Gallery of Photographic Arts, Inc., a not-for-profit tax exempt museum dedicated to photography. The museum is governed by a board of directors consisting of Tampa citizens interested in the arts. The museum has held 15 important photography shows and 4 annual Member's Exhibitions. There have also been numerous lectures and workshops by famous photographers. Except for the workshops with adults which charge a small fee, the museum and all programs are open to the public and presented without charge. Thousands of visitors have attended the shows. Hundreds of people have joined the museum as members to support its efforts.