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Organization for Responsible Care of Animals - ORCA

Cause Area

  • Animals


401 East Orange StreetLancaster, PA 17602 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

ORCA'S primary goal is to rescue any ill, or injured, or in-distress animal, stray or abandoned, in Lancaster County, and to provide, on our Animal-Alert Hotline, 717-397-8922, information on animal-related problems. It is the purpose of ORCA to respond 24 hours a day to emergencies, and to provide support to police, fire, and other emergency personnel when they are dealing with situations that involve animals. ORCA does not routinely handle healthy stray animals and wildlife, nor does it routinely shelter animals.


Animal-Alert Hotline (717) 397-8922:
The heart and soul of ORCA's services to the community rests in the hands of an extraordinary group of individuals who answer the hotline everyday. The hotline is manned almost exclusively by volunteers and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Trained ORCA volunteers provide information and assistance to pet owners, non-pet owners and the general public, as well as to police, fire, and other emergency personnel with an animal problem. Armed with a detailed manual, these volunteers are able to provide the caller with the information he/she seeks or to refer the caller to the appropriate agency capable of handling the situation.

Aid to Animals in Distress:
The organization, in response to calls from concerned citizens, police or other emergency personnel, picks up injured or ill stray animals. Necessary veterinary care is provided and, in some cases when long term care is required, ORCA provides a foster care home and follow-up medical care until the animal can be placed permanently.
ORCA maintains a computer database, continually updated, of lost and found animals in Lancaster County, PA.
The organization also investigates complaints of cruelty or neglect of domestic animals. ALL complaints are investigated and follow-ups occur until resolution results. ORCA's philosophy is to attempt to educate the owner in the proper handling and treatment of companion animals. Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program:
With the cooperation of area veterinarians, ORCA administers a low-cost, fixed-price spay/neuter program. Pet Placement/Referral Service:
ORCA maintains a file of pets available for adoption from owners who are no longer able to keep them and a file of people seeking new pets. Matches between these two files occur on an ongoing basis. Promotion of these placements occurs through advertising in local newspapers.


Would you recommend Organization for Responsible Care of Animals - ORCA?
3 reviews Write a review
by Sandra M. (Administrator for this Organization) (2010-11-08 10:27:34.0)
To the person who expressed an interest in volunteering... simply call our hotline at 717-397-8922 any time and give the volunteer your contact info and request a callback to discuss volunteering. Kind Regards, Sandra
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by Sharon R. (2010-11-06 21:01:34.0)
To whom it may concern, I would love to volunteer at this organization because it is an interest of mine and I love animals and would do as much as possible to help them. I think this is also a great opportunity to see what real work is like while doing something I am interested in and gaining some of my forty hours of service for my high school graduation project. Volunteering at ORCA will be a great pleasure of mine. I would not just be doing it just to get hours of service, but I am also a god candidate for volunteering here because I have a great bond with animals. Sincerely, Sharon Reid
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by carolyn p. from lancaster, PA (2009-07-30 14:48:07.0)
they write up false report on people.making them and any volunteer liable for "defamation of character"lawsuit.
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