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UC Irvine Medical Center

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine


101 The City DriveOrange, CA 92868 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide high quality patient care in a manner that supports the education and research programs of the College of Medicine.


UC Irvine Medical Center volunteers assist staff in providing high quality care and service to our patients and visitors.


Would you recommend UC Irvine Medical Center?
3 reviews Write a review
by UYEN P. (2011-06-11 12:59:29.0)
I and my friends are all trying to find an internship or volunteer job to learn experiences for biology major. We wish to dedicate ourselves to help other people get over their diseases, to do something for this world.
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by Lauren T. (2011-05-31 12:14:31.0)
I will be beginning EMT-B courses in a couple of weeks, and I am looking for volunteer work with emergency services to get a feel for what I want to do.
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by christopher c. from anaheim, CA (2008-11-27 18:38:59.0)
i'm currently going to EVERST college to be a medical asst and i used to be a medic in the us marines, i would like to donate my time to your hospital on my free time from college, to give to the community, i have worked as a volunteer when i lived in modesto california at a gift shop at the hospital in modesto. i have always been willing to help by donateing my time for a good need . if u will please call me at 714-737-0256 thank you and happy holidays.
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