Texting Organization Against Distracted Driving, (TOADD), Inc
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Computers & Technology
- Education & Literacy
- Environment
Forest Oak DriveStockbridge, GA 30281 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
TOADD educates about using technology responsibly.
TOADD’s vision Become a global icon known for and dedicated to promoting social health and public safety.
TOADD’s mission Create a safer social and mobile environment by addressing issues relevant to youth regarding appropriate technology use, social health and literacy awareness.
TOADD’s hopes Encourage healthy mobile and social lifestyles, reduce the incidents of injury and death attributed to irresponsible social and mobile behavior, stimulate youth involvement, empower youth leadership and build life-saving partnerships.
Since October 2010 Texting Organization Against Distracted Driving (TOADD), Inc. is dedicated to creating a safer mobile environment by addressing issues regarding the dangers of being distracted while driving, sexting and cyberbullying. The Mobile Environment is defined as the communication space utilized through mobile devices and wireless services. The mobile environment is evolving into to one of the largest community spaces shared by people. In a mere decade mobile phone technology has quadrupled in speed and convenience. Billions of citizens all over the world, over 260 million in the United States, use cell phones in everyday life.
Cell phones are used for texting, talking, to keep busy schedules and staying connected. Mobile technology, specifically, cell phones have many great attributes, but there are also some negative ones. Cell phones have been the catalyst for deadly car accidents, school expulsions and job resignations. Therefore it is TOADD’s civic responsibility to help protect and preserve our mobile environment. There are over 260 million cell phones users in the United States. TOADD is committed to partnering with others to ensure that these cell phone users contribute to building a healthier mobile environment.
To date TOADD has reached over 15,000 individuals since November 2010. TOADD addresses the concerns about the challenges being faced in this fast paced wireless society, through innovative workshops, special events and speaking engagements. These services are designed to create a cultural shift that promotes the improvement of the cell phone users’ mobile lifestyle.
TOADD has developed specific age appropriate programs to help facilitate this cultural shift. This includes the Mobile Phone Land book featuring the organization’s mascot Ms. TOADD. With the help of Ms. TOADD and dedicated volunteers and staff a change in the environment is being made each and every day. It is the commitment of the
TextingOrganization Against Distracted Driving (TOADD), Inc to ensure future mobile technology users are educated and ready to enter the mobile environment safely and responsibly.