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Easter Seals Oregon Money Management Program

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Homeless & Housing
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


Easter Seals Oregon5757 SW Macadam AvenuePortland, OR 97239 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Easter Seals Oregon mission: Provide exceptional services to ensure that children and adults with autism and other disabilites or speical needs, and their families, have equal opportunites to live, learn, work, and play in their communities.

Founded in 1947, Easter Seals Oregon is a non-profit, community based agency serving more than 5,000 people with disabilites and atehir familes each year.


For 60 years the Oregon affiliate of Easter Seals has helped children and adults with autism, developmental disabilities, physical and mental disabilities, and other special needs--and their families--live fulfilling and independent lives. Through therapy, training, education, and support services, Easter Seals Oregon has helped tens of thousands of people throughout Oregon. With service centers in Portland, Salem, and Medford and programs delivered throughout the state, Easter Seals Oregon offers comprehensive services in such areas as: employment training and job placement; camping and recreation; and respite; poststroke support, and money management for seniors and people with disabilities.


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