HFS Chicago Scholars
Cause Area
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Race & Ethnicity
1137 West Taylor Street, #201Chicago, IL 60607 United StatesWebsite:
http://hfschicagoscholars.comOrganization Information
Mission Statement
HFS Chicago Scholars assists economically disadvantaged Chicago inner-city high school students who show academic and leadership promise achieve their educational goals by providing financial assistance and mentoring.
We provide the following to our scholars:
- financial assistance to attend top Chicago private high schools;
- Academic Directors dedicated to each high school class and one-on-one mentors;
- four-year written commitment specifying performance expectations;
- college visits, selection and admissions support
Our scholars respond to the opportunity by working hard to achieve success and unlock their long-term potential. Their achievements are astounding:
- On average, over 80% of our scholars make the honor roll of the top schools in the city.
- Our scholars are school leaders, serving as class officers, team captains and club presidents, and annually give over 1,500 hours to community service.
- 100% of our graduates are accepted to and attend top colleges and universities, such as Harvard, University of Illinois - Champaign, Loyola University, University of Michigan, Indiana University, Drake University, Loras College, and the University of Notre Dame.
- Our high school graduates include three valedictorians of three of the city's top schools.
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