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Jersey City Medical Center

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine


Volunteer Services355 Grand StreetJersey City, NJ 07302 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission Statement of LibertyHealth... "Enhancing Life"

LibertyHealth's mission is to provide patients, their families and all in need, excellence in hospital and health care services and programs to enhance community health.

Jersey City Medical Center Volunteer Department...Enahancing life through service.


A multi-hospital and health service system, LibertyHealth provides for the region's every health need, from high tech infant care or adult surgery, to in hospital rehabilitation and friendly, home care services.

The Jersey City Medical Center is located on a 15-acre campus overlooking the New York Harbor and Liberty State Park. The Campus presently includes two facilities, the Wilzig Hospital and the Provident Bank Ambulatory Center. The hospital serves as a regional referral, teaching hospital and provides the highest level of care for women and infants, trauma, and cardiac patients. The Medical Center is a major teaching affiliate of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Volunteers are important members of our healthcare team. They enhance the lives of our patients and the comunity we serve.


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