Mission: Our mission is to strengthen individuals,families and communities through adult and family literacy, financial literacy, parenting education, health education, senior services and nonprofit technical assistance.
Vision: We envision a San Antonio in which every adult has the basic skills needed to live a healthy, productive and prosperous life. A San Antonio where adults and families enjoy high literacy skills, thus eliminating from their experiences lack, poverty, violence and despair.
We further envision a San Antonio whose educated citizens are highly employable, active and engaged in our community, passing their knowledge and social responsibility to future generations.
EOTOSA provides one on one tutoring and small group instruction to out of school teens and adults functioning below eighth grade level in reading, writing and math. EOTOSA also tutors students seeking to pass the GED exam. EOTOSA provides technology skills workshops in small groups, as well as life skills classes on topics such as goal setting, leadership development, and career development. EOTOSA was established in 2004 as a program of a local San Antonio church, and now is an independent 501c3 organization serving the San Antonio metropolitan area.
The key elements of EOTOSA's program delivery are:
The recruitment and screening of volunteers to serve as tutors who combine instruction with curriculum materials designed for the adult learner as well as "real life" resources important in the life of the student, such as personal documents and other reading materials;
The provision of six hours of pre-service tutor training by EOTOSA staff prior to being assigned a student;
A tutor evaluation process that includes an application, reference check, criminal background check and personal interview;
Six to eight hours of ongoing training in best practices for the adult learner;
A weekly minimum of 5 hours of one on one, customized, student paced instruction - 3 hours of intensive tutoring and 2 hours of student self- study through homework assignments;
Training materials for the older learner that are rooted in sound instructional methodology and the latest evidence-based research; and
The identification of locations throughout the community where tutoring sessions can be held to reach more students and to provide more location options for tutors.
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