Liddle Kidz Foundation
Cause Area
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- Women
PO Box 872664Vancouver, WA 98687 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Liddle Kidz Foundation Global uses the power of touch to reach the world’s most vulnerable children with experiences of appropriate nurturing touch that they often lack. With nurturing, compassion and touch therapy, children will develop and reach their full potential. We strive to address their critical tactile needs by working directly with their families and healthcare providers in pediatric hospitals, hospices, and orphanages to provide comprehensive nurturing services, consultation, education, program development and support. We are committed to furthering the development of touch therapy services for vulnerable and underserved populations internationally. Through education and support we work to create replicable and sustainable change. Children are our greatest gift and should be treated with extraordinary care!
Liddle Kidz Foundation volunteers work with hospitals, healthcare, childcare, orphanage and residential settings worldwide on short-term assignments. During these volunteer healthcare programs, LKF Global volunteer ambassadors share their expertise to improve the lives of infants, children and their caregivers.
Volunteer programs offer specific developmentally appropriate education for the children's family and staff.
Liddle Kidz Foundation volunteers come from all walks of life - men and women - who are massage therapists, bodyworkers, nurses, physicians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, recreation therapists, child life specialists, yoga practitioners and early intervention specialists (to name a few). They have in common a desire to share their experience, nurturing and care to provide the best start possible for children throughout the world. Learn how you can enjoy the most rewarding experience of a lifetime!
Every volunteer must:
- be a licensed healthcare provider
- have background in working with children in a healthcare capacity (such as professional massage therapists, nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists)
- pass a fully accredited and comprehensive background check
- sign and abide by child protection code of conduct