Foster Care Support Foundation, INC
Cause Area
- Advocacy & Human Rights
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Crisis Support
- Homeless & Housing
115 Mansell PlaceRoswell, GA 30076 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To strengthen the ability of foster families to meet the needs of their foster children by implementing a community based resource and education that can decrease the need for institutionalized care
Our donation center gives free clothes, toys and safe infant equipment to foster children ages preemie infants to 21 years old that are being raised on up to $30.00 per day. There are over 15,000 children in Georgia's foster care system raised on the above mentioned per-diem.
That number does not count the hundreds of thousands of children raised by grandparents or relatives, taking in their relatives child to keep them from entering the foster care system. Most of these families receive $0 of compensation which endangers the stability of the family while they try to keep their family conected. Due mostly to drugs, the opioid crisis and jail time, there are about 110,000 relaitive famiies, mostly Grandparents raising almost 300,000 children that are not theirs without the biological parent present in the home. By donating funds or your time to process these donated items, you help provide basic care needed items for this population of children to help them through their time of crisis. Sponsor a child for $25 or $50 per month to make sure they have items our kids take for granted every day. Give a displaced child hope for the future.