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James Madison's Montpelier

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Justice & Legal
  • Politics


11407 Constitution HighwayMontpelier Station, VA 22957 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

THE MONTPELIER FOUNDATION MISSION STATEMENT The mission of The Montpelier Foundation is to enrich the public's understanding of and appreciation for the lives, ideals and contributions of James and Dolley Madison, to perpetuate James Madison's ideals and principles with both a national and international audience, and to demonstrate the highest standards of historic preservation and interpretation at their home and property, Montpelier. The Foundation operates the property and develops programs to carry out this mission. It secures financial support for these activities and for achieving the long-term goal of building an endowment to support ultimate transfer of the property from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to The Montpelier Foundation.


Montpelier was the lifelong home of James Madison, Father of the Constitution and fourth president. Today Montpelier is a 2700 acre estate that is open to the public year round for tours and numerous special events and educational programs. The Education Department currently sponsors a program called We the People..the Citizen and the Constitution. The program is administered nationally by the Center for Civic Education, Montpelier administers the program in Virginia. The program provides teacher training and textbooks to classrooms across Virginia. High school students may participate in an annual academic competition on the Constitution, the winning class represents Virginia at the We the People National Finals in Washington DC.


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