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Women Achieving New Directions

Cause Area

  • Computers & Technology
  • Crisis Support
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Women


3200 Penn Avenue NorthMinneapolis, MN 55412 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Women Achieving New Directions, (which ia a division of Employment Action Center), is a non-profit organization committed to the career and economic self- sufficiency of single lower income, working mothers. We recognize that for many mothers, career advancement is the means to improving the quality of life for themselves and their families. Using advocacy and a holistic, personal approach, we help women to build skills and confidence and to develop the strategies for setting and meeting their lifetime career goals.


In order to make our classes, (career exploration, job search and self esteem), more accessible and convenient for working mothers, they are offered during evening and weekend hours and free daycare and snacks are provided on site. We also have a monthly single mom's connection group and special events such as our annual recognition breakfast and our family friendly cook out and garden party. We work with participants in group settings and one to one for up to a year as they go through the career transition process. Our goal is to help them either negotiate a promotion at their current place of employment or find a new and better job.


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