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Stand For Children Day

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine


1420 Columbia Road NW #rd FloorWashington, DC 20009 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Every year since 1996, on and around June 1, local communities in every state have celebrated Stand For Children Day. Stand For Children Day continues to grow because of the dedication and passion of volunteers who use the day to celebrate and create change for children in their community. We've accomplished a great deal together. Over 70,000 books have been collected and distributed; tens of thousands of children have been enrolled in health coverage, received information about health insurance plans, or received health services; and hundreds of playgrounds have been created or renovated. Stand For Children Day events have led to tens of thousands of constituent calls, letters, and emails to local and national decisionmakers on a range of children's issues. Despite these gains, we haven't achieved our most critical goal: establishing the strong grassroots voice our children need. That is why the Stand For Children Day theme for 2001 is: "Building Our Voice and Vision for All Children."


Stand For Children was founded on June 1, 1996, when more than 300,000 people stood together at the largest demonstration for children in history. Stand For Children is America's only nationwide grassroots voice for children. Our members take action nationally on a range of children's issues. Our Teams put on local Stand For Children Day activities to raise awareness about children's needs and take action on state and national issue priorities. Our Chapters organize locally to improve the quality of child care, increase after-school programs and teen activities, make schools better, increase children's access to health services and education, and address other community concerns. In addition, our Community Supporters, both local nonprofit organizations and businesses, support Stand For Children with their contributions and their commitment to improving the lives of children and families in their communities and throughout the country.


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