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Future Executives, Inc

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • International


Storefront833 St. John's PlaceNYC, NY 11216 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Founded in 1989, Future Executives, Inc's mission is to serve a global community of aspiring entrepreneurs primarily 8 to 25 years of age through education, mentoring, funding and social networking. FE 's ultimate goal is to create a continual cycle of children and young adults utilizing our network and resources to achieve their dreams and helping support others to do the same.


Our website http://futureexecutives.org is a virtual resource center for 8-25 year olds to explore, cultivate and hone entrepreneur behaviors and personal development using a multi-media platform. The organization partners, collaborates, develops workshops, lesson plans and symposiums to support the process.


Would you recommend Future Executives, Inc?
3 reviews Write a review
by Enikardie M. (2021-03-14 15:44:28.0)
I've volunteered with Future Executives, Inc for the last couple of years and it has been one of the best experiences for me. During my time with Future Executives, Inc, I've gotten the opportunity to develop and hone my skills in marketing, communication and leadership. In addition, the organization made it possible for me attend many different events and I was able to network with professionals from different fields and backgrounds at some of these events.
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by Alexander O. from NG (2021-02-21 07:56:23.0)
The flexibility to work is excellent and the responses from the management is excellent, heartwarming and they appreciate a lot.
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by Rosina P. (2015-01-03 10:46:50.0)
I have contacted the organization and they answered they have already filled the position.
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