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Guardian Ad Litem Office - 14th Judicial Circuit - Panama City

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Justice & Legal


P.O. Box 2466Panama City, FL 32402 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the State of Florida Guardian ad Litem Office is to recruit, train, support and supervise volunteers to advocate for the legal interests of children who are alleged to be abused, neglected or abandoned and who are involved in court proceedings. Best interests include preservation of the child's physical safety and emotional well-being; permanent placement in a stable and nurturing home environment that fosters the child's healthy growth and development; and protection from further harm during the child's involvement in the court system.


The Florida Guardian ad Litem Office is a state program. Its volunteers are citizens trained to represent the child and advocate for his or her Legal interests. The 14th Judicial Circuit encompasses Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington Counties.


Would you recommend Guardian Ad Litem Office - 14th Judicial Circuit - Panama City?
2 reviews Write a review
by Sharon M. (2014-11-04 08:44:11.0)
I volunteered for GAL for almost 2 yrs. Put in hundreds of hours toward helping the kids in the program, spent time collecting hundreds of dollars of Christmas presents for this organization to give to their children and countless amounts of my own money for gas to see that the children I was assigned where being seen at least once a month and if they where local seeing them almost every week.(which is not required) Then I neglected to leave one statement made by a therapist out of my monthly report on a case and so I (of course) brought up what I had failed to mention in my initial report (in court) because I wanted to be sure that the judge was aware of what was going on. Only to be told by the judge (Brantley S. Clark Jr.) that was hearing the case.. that there was no point in having a GAL if they were going to be like me and leave something out of a report.I would not suggest anyone spend any time or effort toward this organization because the court does not appreciate your effort.
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by Lori S. from FL (2009-02-17 14:28:29.0)
I wanted to find something that would help children in the best way possible. I found it! Yes, it can be frustrating sometimes, dealing with certain situations. But it's worth it. When you see what a difference you can make in a child's life...it's great to see a case finally close and families put back together! You learn a lot in the classes, but you learn more with on the job training. And the team leaders are so happy to help you out, all the time, everytime! They are happy to have people volunteer to help children by being the eyes and ears of the judge.
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