Guardian Ad Litem Office - 14th Judicial Circuit - Panama City
Cause Area
- Advocacy & Human Rights
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Justice & Legal
P.O. Box 2466Panama City, FL 32402 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The mission of the State of Florida Guardian ad Litem Office is to recruit, train, support and supervise volunteers to advocate for the legal interests of children who are alleged to be abused, neglected or abandoned and who are involved in court proceedings. Best interests include preservation of the child's physical safety and emotional well-being; permanent placement in a stable and nurturing home environment that fosters the child's healthy growth and development; and protection from further harm during the child's involvement in the court system.
The Florida Guardian ad Litem Office is a state program. Its volunteers are citizens trained to represent the child and advocate for his or her Legal interests. The 14th Judicial Circuit encompasses Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington Counties.