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Alpha Phi Omega - Alpha Delta Iota Chapter

Cause Area

  • Community


Box #169; VCU Student Activities CenterP.O. Box 842035Richmond, VA 23284 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To strengthen the presence of Alpha Phi Omega on college campuses and among its members; To support the spread of the Fraternity's principles and activities on college campuses and among its members; To provide opportunities for its members and college students to develop effective leadership skills; To promote fellowship among all people; To provide service to humanity; and To further our acknowledged freedoms.


Alpha Phi Omega is a 501(C)(3) not for profit organization. The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to assemble college students in a National Service Fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop Leadership, to promote Friendship and to provide Service to humanity; and to further freedom that is our national, educational and intellectual heritage.


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