Change Global Lives

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Hunger
  • International


76 McBride DriveSt Cathatrines, Ontario L2S3Z3Canada Canada

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Charity is to make a meaningful impact in the underserved and overlooked parts of developing and third-world countries where other organizations have limited presence or none at all. We are dedicated to relieving poverty, advancing education, and promoting health to improve the lives of those in need and create lasting positive change.


To relieve poverty by:
Digging boreholes for clean water access, distributing bulk containers to households experiencing water shortages, and procuring water treatment items for poor households.
Distributing clothing and food items to families in need.
Repairing or upgrading homes that pose health or safety threats to their poor inhabitants.
Providing livestock, seeds, agricultural supplies, and agricultural training to poor families experiencing food insecurity.

To advance education by:
Providing school supplies and materials to poor students.
Providing educational sessions for women and children enabling them to develop literacy and numeracy skills.
Providing publicly available scholarships to poor and needy women for formal education.
To promote health in the Philippines by providing essential prescription medicines to villagers in urgent need.
To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above-mentioned charitable purposes.


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