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Prophetic Prayers Ministry

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Faith-Based
  • International
  • Women


8509 West Markham St.Suite 55006Little Rock, AR 72205 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Prophetic Prayers Ministry focus is on intercessory prayer, while teaching the principles of the five-fold ministry, providing spiritual guidance, and aiding individuals with needed supplies to sustain their activities of daily living by providing clothing, food, and acceptable shelter when available. To help individuals form and maintain positive and productive methods of living - restoring individual pride, honor, and respect for themselves, their families, and their communities and villages nationwide.


Prophetic Prayers is the vision of Prophetess Cherie Fox, who has served as an Intercessor for over 40 years. She has prayed for and spoken into the lives of several Bishops and Apostles worldwide. Intercession is her heartfelt passion. Her mission is to intercede for local residents, community leaders and the nation. Praying for Pastors, Ministers, Governments, and all city, State, Federal, National, and international communities, ministries, and organizational leaders. So, the decisions made are led by God to aid ALL people. You may learn more about the ministry by visiting our website at propheticprayers2015.com.


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