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Orphelinat Yapana Togo

Cause Area

  • Board Development
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Faith-Based
  • People with Disabilities


DzodzekondjiKpalime, PLateaux 428 KpalimeTogo Togo

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Orphanage Yapana Togo seeks to promote the general welfare of orphans and vulnerable children by:  giving an adequate education to disadvantaged children in order to know God through His Son Jesus Christ.  assisting families and concerned community members to provide attention, care and education to the child  providing them with a family environment, attention and care, quality, formal education, skills and guidance for all aspects of their lives.


Among the social strata most affected by poverty in Togo, the orphan appears to be the weakest link. Indeed, having lost one or both parents, he is vulnerable and the most exposed to the scourges which undermine society, such as malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, sexual abuse and banditry. Often called "AIDS orphans", "street children", "child wizards", these children aged 0 to 15 are today in a situation of extreme poverty. Their main activity is to find something to eat on a daily basis and they sleep most often outside. This is why our organization was born to make a difference by basing on two essential components:

- The first component is to provide housing, education, health and food for an indefinite period of street children, destitute children and orphans. We have chosen to welcome in our children home, kids from 3 to 8 years old. These children will be accommodated in the orphanage compound.

- The second component is to assist street children and some children who live with their poor parents through regular food assistance, and quality education i.e. ensuring that these children have access to a good education. Follow-up work will be done on them.


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