Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Hunger
- People with Disabilities
- Seniors
PO BOX 1012ONEONTA, NY 13820 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Saturday's Bread is a hot meal program provided without cost for all who'd like to share it. We serve nutritious food every Saturday in the friendly atmosphere of the religious community of greater Oneonta, NY.
Saturday's Bread is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating hunger and poverty in our area, through a program of feeding the hungry, but also providing a setting where people in the community can meet across those differences which often divide us, be they economic differences among those who are fed and religious differences among those who serve. We accept donations from local supermarkets and other organizations and put together both hot meals, take-out / take-free items for distribution among all those who participate. We are a mostly volunteer organization that operates every Saturday in Oneonta, NY.