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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Homeless & Housing


117 COLONIAL CTLITTLE ROCK, AR 72205 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to build a network of residents who have stronger community connections, a deeper understanding of people-oriented places, and the tools to shape their neighborhoods to be safe, resilient, and joyful. Our Little Rock is made up of leaders, facilitators, and livability advocates from across the city. In our work, we are guided by the following values: stewardship, a growth mindset, inclusivity, empathetic communication, and productive discourse.


Our Little Rock was founded in 2023 by a group of livability advocates who saw an unsettling connection between local socio-economic issues and the city’s transportation and land-use policies and practices. Our Little Rock was created to offer education and advocacy for human-scaled urban design to enable residents throughout Little Rock to live in affordable, right-sized homes, and move about independently to socialize, get to/from work, and access their day-to-day needs.

Our goals are to: 1) enhance civic engagement through dialogue across lived experiences, 2) enable equitable mobility options for people of all abilities and income-levels to safely walk, bike and roll, and 3) encourage productive land-use for more walkable neighborhoods and housing options for all stages of life.

Our programs fall into three buckets:
1) Introduction to People-Oriented Places
2) Cultivate Effective Strong Town Advocates
3) Encourage Human Habitat Initiatives


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