Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Women


PO BOX 8733NEW HAVEN, CT 06531 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To address the emotional, social and overall student engagement needs of underserved female youth ages 9-18 through empowerment enrichment workshops and matching of a trained female adult mentor.


Phenomenal I Am, Inc. facilitates youth-led empowerment enrichment workshops in order to explore and address common issues among the next female generation; such as: respect for themselves and others, effective communication, higher aspirations, being a girl, healthy relationships, body image. self-esteem, self-confidence, leadership development, peer mediation, etc. These workshops are meant to reinforce the idea that this generation of young females are phenomenal in their own rights.

Phenomenal I Am, Inc. goals and objectives is to change how youth view their self and life in general. The philosophy is that a new and positive attitude toward their self will ultimately change their behavior in a positive way.


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