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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Justice & Legal


2658 GRIFFITH PARK BLVD 194LOS ANGELES, CA 90039 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition is a 501(c)(3) organization of neighborhood organizers who recognize unhoused individuals as fellow members of our community worthy of the same dignity, respect and representation afforded to any housed person. We seek to expand that understanding to other members of our community while building relationships with our unhoused neighbors to better understand their unique needs, situations and struggles.


Founded in 2017, SELAH has grown to organize seven weekly programs for unhoused neighbors in Silver Lake, Echo Park, Los Feliz, Atwater and Hollywood where participants receive hot meals, supplies, showers, clothing, hygiene products, social connections, and support while navigating public resources. In 2023, SELAH onsite programs were attended more than 8,500 times, and SELAH volunteers donated roughly 8,000 hours of their time, served more than 12,000 hot meals, and distributed more than 30,000 bottles of water to unhoused neighbors in SELAH service areas. SELAH also provides a volunteer-run Services Desk and Legal Assistance Desk for participants seeking support regarding birth certificates, identification documents, phone access, criminal records, etc.

Our group also meets with elected representatives to voice concerns and offer solutions, educates the community by hosting forums, trainings, hygiene kit builds, and clothing drives, produces literature with resources for those experiencing homelessness and for the community at large, and researches and advocate for policies that support our mission.

Research, propose and execute on-the-ground solutions to serve acute and/or emergency needs (such as meals and showers).

Build bridges with other community groups working towards these same goals.

Support other groups of neighbors hoping to create similar organizations in their neighborhoods using the SELAH model.


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