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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


1711 W IRVING BLVD STE 300IRVING, TX 75061 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Homeless Ministry in Irving Texas Our Mission: Changing lives of the Irving homeless community, both sheltered and unsheltered, through Christian based, compassionate, relational and personal service.


Many Helping Hands opened a Day Center in Irving in July 2022. We provide showers, laundry, clothing closet, hot meal, Bible studies and a cool or warm place to be. We are open Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's from 10am till 2pm. On inclement weather day's which are over 100 degrees or under 32 degrees, we stay open till 5pm. We partner with other organizations to provide wrap around services such as housing programs, counseling, healthcare and others.
We have been serving a meal on Thursday's for over 10 years - in addition we provide Parkland Bus/healthcare, bible study, clothing, hygiene, underwear/socks.
Provide essential services to our homeless friends in the City of Irving. ● . ● Provide Bus passes or transport van for easy access to our services. We will be expanding to other areas of the city to provide service to others who don’t have access to these basic human needs. ● Provide opportunities for our homeless friends to develop the skills needed to become self-sufficient by identifying specific needs and providing resources. ● Help homeless individuals find housing options, employment, and other resources. Every Thursday night, we provide a dinner for the homeless and needy in Irving, Texas. Basic needs, hygiene, underwear, socks etc. (10 years never missed) * One of the obstacles to getting a job is that some of the homeless do not have any form of identification. We go through the process with the individuals to help get a valid legal form of identification.


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