VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine


4339 Cesano CtPalo Alto, CA 94306 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Voice Of a Child (VOC) is a public service 501(C)(3) charity organization incorporated in California, USA. The present Board of Directors, has extensive global experience working together as a team, and has engaged in various philanthropic activities worldwide for over 10 years. Some of the recent disaster relief activities include fundraising for Asian Tsunami, Gujarat (India) Earthquake and South America, floods in Central America and similar disasters prior to these. Voice of a Child provides 1) Medical care to Nigeria 2) Education in rural/tribal India, including special education 3) Education to Haiti 4) Computer literacy in Brazil and Philippines 5) Earthquake/Disaster relief. They are a very small (12 people) and very ethical organization that uses limited funds extremely efficiently.


Volunteer sign-up:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i7rtCZs9duxVmGVWfFCsMlGQvr0rSZ_N3N31Z_5QEnQ/edit#gid=0

Volunteer duties:

A. Help write project descriptions in good English.
B. Help with a fundraising campaign for a specific activity. For example, at the moment we are working on earthquake relief work.'
C. Help students with course material.
D. Be a liaison between VOC and college administration for activities, lectures, or setting up a new program.
E. Recruiting involvement of other volunteers
F. Getting medical supply/equipment/ over the counter medicine donation.
G. Getting functional laptop donations.
H. Anything else one can imagine - put your creativity to work! (Hint, browse voiceofachild.org, the better you know what they do, the better you can match your talents/desires to their needs).

Voice of a child currently needs the following the most: donations of small, inexpensive to ship : 1) Medical Supplies 2) Over the counter medicines 3) Medical equipment (Contact sonya.voc@gmail.com for wish-list) 4) Functional Laptops (contact Sonya.voc@gmail.com), we can take responsibililty of wiping the data.
There are zero restrictions on who can volunteer.

Thank you,
Sonya Dave, PhD


Would you recommend VOICE OF A CHILD?
1 review Write a review
by Fadi f. from SY (2023-05-24 04:37:28.0)
Beacause its agood experience to volunteer with your organisation to help people and have achance with areliable organisation

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