Sarasota Health and Rehab
Cause Area
- Animals
- Arts & Culture
- Community
- Faith-Based
- Seniors
1524 East Avenue SouthSarasota, FL 34239 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Sarasota Health & Rehabilitation Center provides coordinated, comprehensive services to meet the care needs of the individual resident and patient. The interdisciplinary team member will collaborate with resident, patient, families and staff to develop and individualized plan of care for each resident and patient. We strive to meet or exceed our customers' expectations each and every day, while promoting our core values: Communication, Compassion, Dignity, Empathy, Integrity, Pride, Respect and Responsiveness.
Our organization has a history of outstanding care for our residents and patients. Our goal is to ensure that every person that comes in our door maintains his/her quality of life to the best of our, and their, ability. We would like to begin our programs - pet therapy, live music, outings, etc- up and running again. We have currently began bingo again, and Five-0 Donuts donates to us every Wednesday.