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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Veterans & Military Families


370 NE CAMANO DRCAMANO ISLAND, WA 98282 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Project PC assists members of our communities; veterans, youth, young adults, and the elderly. Addressing food insecurity, Community inclusivity, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder. After many years our understanding of various issue that face some many we’ve focused our efforts on the following; veteran suicide, anxiety, depression, PTSD, food insecurity, building inclusive community’s though innovated and active paths.


Project Positive Change (Project PC) inception began more than ten years ago when Our founder became extremely ill and nearly died. On the other side his my illness, He realized how many of his fellow community members had and were experiencing the same type of health and mental health issues. As a member of the Eagles Club, Moose Lodge, American Legion, and other community organizations He realized that there must be something done to address these concerns; leading to the inception and focus of Project PC. Project PC learned about the high rate of veteran and youth suicide. Project Positive Change members were dismayed by the facts about suicide rates and began to focus their attention on the target people in our community. This led to the Positive Change Tour project which involved speaking at American Legions, and Veterans of Foreign War, helping veterans, family, and friends to gain an understanding of how to address PTSD with nutrition and therapies to navigate life in a positive manner.

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